The Everything GEVOO replaces coconut oil, avocado oil, ghee, pumpkin seed oil, walnut oil, grape seed oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, hemp seed oil, flaxseed oil, sunflower seed oil, canola oil, vegetable oil, and makes space in your pantry
With the Everything GEVOO you can cook with your kids, husband, girlfriends, mother, you name it. You’ll sauté, steam, strain, sauce, braise, fry, boil, serve, lather, dip, dress—oh you get the point.
Game, set... the perfect match!
$25 local delivery in
The Hamptons
Gifting in The Hamptons? Choose local delivery at check-out to have your order hand-delivered on Friday (for all orders placed by noon Eastern on Thursday). In your notes at checkout, indicate any specific delivery instructions.
From Westhampton to Montauk, we are thrilled to offer this service to our local customers (mainland only, sadly—for Shelter Island, choose shipping).